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Cataract Surgery

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is a build-up of protein on the eye’s lens. As we get older, the proteins in the eyes start migrating towards the center of the eye. This slow progression leads to a cataract forming out of the clump of proteins on the lens. When you have a cataract, you may not notice until you start losing vision.

What are the symptoms of a cataract?

Common symptoms of cataracts include:

  • blurred vision
  • seeing double in only one eye
  • light sensitivity
  • needing more light to complete up-close tasks
  • things appearing yellow or brown tinted
  • seeing glare or halos around lights, especially when driving at night
  • having a frequently changing glasses or contact lens prescription
  • colors appearing more faded

As a cataract develops, these symptoms become more obvious and harder to ignore. Even though you may have a cataract, it doesn’t always mean you need cataract surgery right away.

Cataract surgery is a procedure that removes the natural lens inside of the eye and replaces it with an intraocular lens (IOL.) Cataract surgery is widely accepted as a safe and routine procedure, not to mention it is one of the most performed procedures in the world. At Bowden Eye & Associates, we proudly offer premier cataract surgery services to our patients.

Chart Illustrating the Cataract Surgery Process

What to Expect From Cataract Surgery

At our Jacksonville surgical facility, eye drops will be put into your eye to dilate the pupil. The area around your eye will be washed and cleansed. After the proper anesthesia and numbing of the eye your cataract surgeon will create a small incision in your eye.

Modern-day cataract surgery is also called microsurgery because the incision sizes have become so small. Luckily, cataract surgery is one of the safest and most performed surgeries. Ninety percent of patients that undergo cataract surgery report significantly improved vision afterward. The surgery only lasts for about an hour.

Once the incision is made, the cataract surgeon will insert a probe to break up the cloudy cataract and then proceed to remove the material. A suction tube will remove all of the loose debris and the capsular bag is prepared for the artificial IOL implant. The foldable IOL is then inserted through a tube and unfolds once in place. Intraocular lenses will have haptics and “lens arms” to hold it in place.


With the cataract removed and the IOL in place, light can once again travel unimpeded to the back of the eye and focus on the retina where the image is interpreted and transmitted to the brain. There are many types of IOLs to choose from, and your cataract surgeon will determine which is best for you. Many patients report that their eyesight after cataract surgery is even better than before they developed cataracts! The end result is a clear, youthful vision.

Gone are the days of long hospital stays for cataract surgery. Our cataract services not only make sure you get the most premier team of Jacksonville cataract surgeons, but we also give you the latest technology the cataract field has to offer. Improvements in this surgical field have made this a very short procedure where most recovery can occur at home.

Cataract Surgery FAQs

Have cataracts that are making it hard to enjoy your favorite activities? Did you know that Bowden Eye & Associates in Jacksonville, Florida offers laser cataract surgery as well? Like traditional cataract surgery, laser cataract surgery is an effective and reliable procedure. There are some differences, so keep reading to find out if laser cataract surgery could be right for you!

Laser-assisted cataract surgery is a procedure that removes cataracts. This is with the help of lasers and state-of-the-art technology. This in turn leads to more precise results for patients! Like traditional cataract surgery, laser cataract surgery focuses on removing cataracts. With a cataract, the natural lens in your eye can become cloudy or distorted over time. This happens because proteins in the eye begin drifting towards the middle of the lens. Once they have migrated to the middle of your lens, they start clumping together. This clump is the cataract and it eventually leads to loss of vision. Once all the pieces of the cataract are accounted for, an IOL is then implanted. An IOL, or intraocular lens takes over as the new lens in your eye.

Having an IOL means that you’ll see better than before you had laser cataract surgery! There are many different kinds of IOLs to choose from, so be sure to discuss your choices before!

When it comes to comparing the two procedures, it depends on your lifestyle needs. Laser cataract surgery is usually better for patients with astigmatism or refractive errors. This is because laser cataract surgery can fix refractive errors to a higher degree. Another important factor when it comes to laser cataract surgery is precision. Because your cataract surgeon uses a map of your eye, they can deliver even more precise results!

It’s important to note that the experience of your cataract surgeon is crucial as well. If you have an inexperienced surgeon for laser cataract surgery, you may not get the best results. Laser cataract surgery is a premium procedure, meaning it’s not usually covered by insurance. If you have the budget and want the most precise results, laser cataract surgery may be right for you!

When it comes to our eyes, any kind of condition like a cataract can seem especially scary. But cataracts are nothing to be scared of and are a normal part of aging. Feeling nervous? Check out some FAQs about cataracts and cataract surgery that we hear most from patients.

Currently, there is no way to say you won’t develop a cataract. But there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing one early.

If you smoke, stop! Smoking is thought to be one of the things that actually speeds up cataract development. This is because smoking introduces free radicals into the eye. In general, you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to exercise at least 3 times a week.

At Bowden Eye & Associates, we recommend patients have surgery when they notice that their daily activities are being hindered by visual disturbance. When you have a cataract, it makes completing tasks almost impossible!

Cataract surgery becomes necessary at this point. Without cataract surgery, your cataract will continue taking over your vision. You need cataract surgery to remove your cataract-ridden lens. Once removed, we then replace your lens with an artificial lens or IOL. Thanks to your new IOL, you’ll finally be able to see clearly again!

Before any kind of procedure, it’s understandable if you’re wondering who to choose. And we get that. At Bowden Eye & Associates, it is all about the patients for us. We feature 2 fellowship-trained cornea specialists- Dr. Frank W. Bowden III and Dr. Sarah Darbandi. Most practices are lucky to have one, let alone 2 fellowship-trained cornea specialists.

They are the experts in their field and that makes them uniquely qualified! These are things that you want when you are choosing a cataract surgeon and an eye care practice. No matter what, our patients always receive the best treatment for their needs.

We’re a Leader in Laser Cataract Surgery in Jacksonville, Florida

“It gives us more accuracy and precision in performing some of the critical steps of cataract surgery. There’s nothing wrong with traditional surgery when it’s done well, but studies have shown using the laser compared to the manual technique has improved outcomes.”

Sarah Darbandi, MD

Schedule an appointment online or call our office at (904) 296-0098.

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