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What is EVO ICL?

EVO ICL is an implantable lens that goes between your iris and your eye’s natural lens to correct nearsightedness with or without astigmatism.

It is an additive lens, meaning the procedure does not involve replacing or reshaping any part of the eye. EVO ICL is completely reversible and can be removed by your eye doctor at Bowden Eye & Associates at any time.

Do you want more out of your vision? Experience vivid, clear vision without the need for glasses or contacts when you choose EVO ICL at Bowden Eye & Associates.

With EVO ICL, patients often report even better vision than they had with just glasses or contacts, as the lens is so close to the eye that it can enhance vision for brighter, clearer images.

Will I Be a Good Candidate for EVO ICL?

If you want to achieve visual freedom but do not qualify for LASIK due to thinner corneas, too high of a prescription, or dry eye syndrome, EVO ICL is worth considering.

EVO ICL does not require a flap in the cornea like LASIK, so it is safe for patients with thinner corneas. It also has a broader range of visual correction than LASIK, correcting nearsightedness as high as -20.00 diopters.

As for dry eye syndrome, EVO ICL has a much lower chance of causing the condition, as it is made with a biocompatible material that allows it to integrate naturally with your eye. Some of the other factors that may make you a good candidate for EVO ICL are:

If you want to know whether EVO ICL could be the right vision correction procedure for you, reach out to your eye doctor at Bowden Eye & Associates to schedule an eye exam. They will evaluate your candidacy and recommend the best treatment options for your vision goals and needs.

What is the EVO ICL Procedure Like?

The EVO ICL procedure is a quick 20-30-minute, painless, minimally invasive outpatient procedure.

Before you undergo the procedure, your surgeon will administer eye drops that dilate your pupils and numb your eyes. They may give you a sedative to ease your nerves and make the procedure easier.

They will create a tiny incision along the base of your cornea, fold the EVO ICL, and implant it through the opening. Your surgeon will then ensure the lens unfolds and is in the optimal position for better vision. This incision will not need stitches and will begin healing immediately.

Recovering After the EVO ICL Procedure

Once you’ve completed the procedure, you will need someone to drive you home, and you will need to be cleared by your eye doctor before you can start driving yourself.

Your surgeon will prescribe eye drops that reduce inflammation and prevent infection, which you must administer regularly after your procedure, according to their specific instructions.

At your follow-up appointments, your surgeon will examine your eyes and test your vision. They will also tell you when it is safe to resume certain activities and provide you with further care instructions if needed.

Full recovery typically takes around 1-2 days, but many patients report improved vision almost immediately after the procedure. Once you’ve recovered, enjoy all of your favorite things with better vision and less hassle!

Are you sick of relying on glasses and contact lenses? Schedule an appointment at Bowden Eye & Associates and find out if EVO ICL could be your key to crystal-clear vision!

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